Monday, May 4, 2020

Teacher Appreciation Week

Parents, this week is National Teacher Appreciation Week.

Let me take a minute to tell you why I appreciate each of our staff members...

Ms. Julie - Ms. Julie is my favorite fan to talk O's baseball with.  She's also my level-head.  When I have trouble keeping my cool, she's always there to set a much-needed example.  

Ms. Penny - Ms. Penny is a superb story teller - and she's got a lot of them and they're all funny!  She's the organizer of our some-times book club that never talks books.

Ms. Clarice - Ms. Clarice is my fellow sarcastic, cat-loving hooman.  Need a snarky come-back?  She's your girl.  She keeps our afternoons trapped in our separate offices entertaining!

Ms. Heather - Ms. Heather is a calming influence but has a very dry sense of humor.  She was quiet when she started, but not so much anymore!  You've got to be able to hold your own in this bunch!

Ms. Terry - Ms. Terry is my organized rock that goes-with-the-flow.  She's so creative and will always try something new!  And don't mess with her schedule!

Ms. Gabriella -  Ms. Gabriella makes me laugh!  And I could listen to her read stories all day long.  She's got no problem telling me when I'm wrong!

Ms. Caroline - Ms. Caroline is quiet and steady.  She likes things orderly - which I appreciate.  And, she's quietly funny.  When you don't expect her to say anything, she'll sneak in a witty remark.

Ms. Tammi - Ms. Tammi is nothing if not reliable.  And, she almost always finds an angle to a situation that I didn't think about.  She's funny with those she knows well, which fortunately includes me!  Plus, she's my resident proof-reader!

Ms. Lisa - Ms. Lisa, given a moment, is also one of those sneaky-humorous people.  She is so patient with the kids and will listen to them rattle on and on, long after I would have stopped pretending to listen.

Ms. Megan - Ms. Megan has really become an asset since she started.  She is so even-keeled and I've never seen her flustered.  I could use some of that...

Ms. Donna - Saving the best for last.  Ms. Donna is my other half.  We think so much alike now, it's frightening.  You may have noticed that some days we even dress alike.  I can truly say or do anything and she'd find a way to support me.  I couldn't do this job without her - though it came close this year!  Plus, I can barely add, even with that machine.

I thank God every day for all my staff and friends!  I wouldn't do this job without any of you!


  1. Yesterday we had a zoom call with some of the kids at Horizon church. The Lemenagers were some of the first from our church to attend Wards Chapel, and those girls (one of who is 13 now!!), along with Leah and Alex, reminisced about the school (before the addition was added!) and the teachers they all had. You all have become such an important part of my children's story and we are so grateful for the strong foundation in learning you've provided them. I am so sad that our time there was unexpectedly cut short. I hope to bring Leah and Alex back for a visit when we can. We miss you all so very much.

  2. Don't worry, I can barely add as well ;) Thank you all so much for all you do for our kids!
