Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday, March 30

Happy Monday Morning preschool friends and families!

This one's long because it's day one - I'll keep it shorter after this!

The teachers have said that they miss you all very much!  They would love for you to send pictures of what you and your families are doing while we're not together.  

So, here's what we're going to do...

There are boxes by the Preschool front door - labeled, one for each age group.  In the boxes are bags of supplies for this week's activities.  If you are able, please pick up the supplies for the week.  If you're unable, just improvise at home.  Please, only take one bag so that there are enough for all!

Every day you'll check here for activities that your teachers have planned for you.  If your parents can, we'd love to have a picture of you working or with your finished work.

Also, I will give you an activity that will take you outside for a walk or in the yard to find a specific object.  Then you'll make something with your find.  I'd love to see a picture or drawing of what you make!

We now have a private page on our website for printables and video links for our activities each week. You cannot get to it through the menu; you must use this link.  Go to:  

This week at preschool we would have been talking about life cycles - chickens, butterflies, and frogs.  How do these amazing creatures grow from tiny little eggs?  Do they just pop out of their eggs as the critters we expect?  No, they don't.  They go through different stages and change.  We call that a 'life cycle'.

Today's work...

2sThis week is all about chicks!
In your bag you'll find: 1- paper plate, eye stickers, 2- butterfly cut-outs (1 paper, 1 foam), sequins, a feather, and a strip of yellow paper.

1. Use the cards on our website to talk about the life cycle: 

The mommy hen lays an egg. She then takes care of it by sitting on the egg to keep it warm. After about 21 days, the mommy hen will feel the egg start to wiggle and the baby chick will use its beak to hatch out of the egg. 
2.  You'll need the feather from your bag and some paper and paints.  No paint?  No problem!  Use water and food coloring.  
     Talk about the feather - it's color, shape, texture (how does it feel?)  What will happen if you drop the feather?  Will the feather sink or float in a bowl of water?
     Use the feather for painting
3. Read to your child for at least 30 minutes.

3s - You'll be talking about life cycles - today, chicks.
In your bag you'll find: a brown paper book, 6 pages of the frog life cycle, a feather, a yellow 'O' and a yellow oval, 2- white eggs, a handful of pompoms, a Popsicle stick, a piece of pipe cleaner and a yellow cotton ball.

1. Use the cards on our website to talk about the life cycle.
Look at the cards and talk about each picture before you explain anything.  You can then help your child put the cards in order while asking questions.  For example - Do we start with the egg or the chicken?  
Here's how the life cycle goes (just in case you need a refresher...):
The hen lays an egg. She takes care of it by sitting on the egg to keep it warm. After about 21 days, the hen will feel the egg start to wiggle and the baby chick will use its beak to hatch out of the egg.  When the chicks come out, they are wet and tired from the hard work of breaking that egg.  Soon, they will dry and become fluffy.  It takes about 3 weeks for a chick to become a poult and then it becomes a chicken.

2. You'll need: glue or a glue stick, a pair of scissors, markers/crayons and a piece of paper.

From your bag, you'll need the yellow 'O', the yellow oval, the cotton ball and the 2 white eggs.
Put the white egg on the page.  Using scissors, cut the other egg in half (here you can talk about how when we make two pieces from one, we call that a 'half').  Glue the two halves on the page.  Using the yellow ovals and the cotton ball, make a 'chick'.  Give it a beak, legs and eyes.
It's supposed to be a beautiful day today - make sure you get outside to play!  There's a picture on the website to give you an idea.

3. Read to your child for at least 30 minutes.
Umbrella begins with U

4s - Today, let's talk about the Letters U and V

In your packet you'll find: an alphabet chart to help with writing practice at home, letter U practice, letter V practice, letter U block page, letter V block page.

Every day - practice writing your name - first and last, using upper and lower case letters.  

1.  Talk about the letters.  What do they look like?  What sound do they make?  
     Letter U makes two sounds - 'you' as in unicorn and 'uh' as in umbrella
     Letter V makes the 'vvvv' sound - put your teeth on the inside of your lips - as in violin, very, violet
     Can you think of any words that might have the U or V sound?

2.  Practice writing the letters U and V.  Remember, they're similar - one has a curvy bottom and one has a pointy bottom.  They both start at the top, long line down, *curve or point*, long line up.  Lower case U has a tail.

3. Practice saying your favorite nursery rhyme.  Ask Mom or Dad what their favorite is and learn that one!

4. Read to your child for at least 30 minutes.

EVERYONE - During your outside time today find a rock that will fit in your hand.  Bring it inside with you if Mom and Dad will let you.  Fill a bowl with warm water and soap.  Get an old toothbrush and give your rock a bath.  Use a towel to dry your rock and let it dry for a while.  Once the rock is good and dry, decorate your rock or make something out of it.  You can use crayons, paint, glitter and glue, chalk, tissue paper and glue, feathers... anything you have laying around.  You can make something with your rock - will it be a couch for your Lego men, a paperweight, a centerpiece for you dinner table?  (The point is to have your child use their imagination)  Send a picture of your creation!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing this Ms. Bridget! Liv looooved the rock washing/decorating activity! Do you just want us to email pictures to you?
