Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday, March 31

Good morning, friends!

Looks like we made it through our first day of Online Preschool!

I'm hoping everyone had a chance to stop by preschool and pick up your supplies.  It's not too late if you haven't.

Looks like it's going to be another good day to get outside and play for a bit!

For these projects, please keep in mind that you don't need to have your child complete any of them all at once!  You can do some and then come back later to complete it.  If your child loses interest, they will not retain any of the information.
This Eastern Blue Bird visits my backyard.  I have
quite a few bird feeders.


Today, I want you to look for birds.  How do they move?  Do they all look the same?  Do you have any bird feeders in your yard?  I have LOTS!  If you sit quietly, you can watch the birds while they look for food.  Choose your favorite and draw a picture or find a picture online of it.

Read to your child for at least 30 minutes.

Here's a song about chicks...
(to the tune Are You Sleeping?)
Wake up little chick, wake up little chick
Move around, move around
Give a little tick, tick
And a little peck, peck
Welcome chick!  Welcome chick!


1.  Review the chicken life cycle.  Show your child the pictures and talk about each one.
2.  You'll need from your bag: the paper plate, the yellow strip of paper, the orange paper, and the eye stickers.  Paint or color the plate yellow.  Have your child tear the yellow strip into smaller pieces.  Glue the pieces onto the plate.  Mom/Dad/Older Sibling - cut the orange paper into a triangle for a beak.  Have your child glue on the beak.  Add they eyes last.
* You don't need to have your child do all of it at once.

3.  Make your child a 'chick sandwich' for lunch.  Use a piece of carrot or cheese for a beak, raisin eyes, apple slices for wings.


1.  Review the chicken life cycle.  Show your child the pictures and talk about each one.
     Ask questions like: Where is the _____?  What color is the _____?  Which card is first?
     Try removing one and see if they can fill in the missing stage.

2.  You'll need the feather from your bag and some paint.  Talk about the feather - color, weight, shape, etc.  What do you think will happen if you throw it in the air?  What will happen if you put it in water - will it sink or float?  Use the feather to paint.  How is that different from using a paintbrush?
Did you find any feathers outside on your walk?


1.  Continue to practice writing your name.
     Today, practice writing the numbers 1-5, the letter U and the letter V.
2.  Find 10 of something - cereal, Legos, buttons, shoes, etc.  Can you point to each and count to 10?  Can you count backwards from 10?  What happens if you take 5 away?
3.  Ask Mom or Dad for a magazine, catalog or newspaper (watch out for the pictures here).  Pick a page and circle all the Us and Vs on the page.
4.  You'll need the Letter U card from your packet.  It has an umbrella on it.  First, can you circle all the Us on the card?  Next, get a hole puncher and punch out all the upper and lower case Us.  Finally, color the umbrella.  Will it be a rain umbrella or a beach umbrella?

Remember to check out our other blogs for the chicks and the caterpillars!

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