Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Routine, Chore and Kindness Cards

Hi all! 
Someone else asked and I'm going to share with all again...

Here's a link to three files for Routine, Chore and Kindness Cards.

In times like this when uncertainty and anxiety is so prevalent, it's important to keep to a routine for your children for several reasons.

1. Routines give children a sense of security and stability.
Routines help children feel safe and secure in their environment. Young children gain an understanding of everyday events and procedures and learn what is expected of them as routines make their environment more predictable. Routines can also help children establish trust if they feel comfortable in their environment.

2. Routines influence children's social, emotional, and cognitive development.
Children who have effective routines are often more engaged with their environment and the people around them. Young children learn to anticipate changes in routines, and they slowly become more independent as they learn what each routine entails. If routines are predictable, have appropriate transition cues, and have room for flexibility, routines will also help reduce challenging behaviors (tantrums, hitting, biting, etc.) in children.

3. Everyday routines can be used as teachable moments.
Everyday routines are full of learning opportunities for young children. For example, you can start teaching children the importance of washing their hands before eating or the importance of brushing their teeth. You can also use these everyday routines as opportunities to talk with young children and help them develop their communication skills.

Here you go!

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