Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday, April 15

Happy Wednesday my friends!

What will the weather be like today?  What was it like when you got up this morning?  Have you been outside yet?

What Kids Learn From Digging in the Dirt | St. Pauls School News ...It's been rainy out lately.  I think it would be a good day to dig in the dirt!

What will you use to dig with?  A spoon?  A shovel?  Your hands?

What do you think you might find in the dirt?  Keep track of your treasures.

2s: Ovals

1.  Watch the video Words with Puffballs - Ovals:

2.  Read this poem to your child:

I am a shape.  Oval is my name.
The circle and I are not the same.
A circle is round, as round as can be.
I'm shaped like an egg, as you can see.

3.  Print the Yellow Oval Page from our website.  You'll also need a stamp pad or paint.

Talk with your child about the shape of the oval.  It's an oval filled with little ovals! 

Using the stamp pad or paint, show your child how to dip their thumb into the paint.  Guide their finger onto one of the blank ovals and have them press down.  Complete the page.  

3s: Plants and the Number 9

Activity: Watch Together: “Peep Plants a Seed” #1 (PEEP show ...1.  Watch the video of Peep Plants a Seed  

2.  From what you learned about plants, let's talk about the life cycle of a plant.

Print out from the preschool website the Life Cycle of a Plant.  Look at the pictures with your child and talk about what is in each picture.  Point out that on page two there are four blocks numbered 1-4 with arrows in between to make a cycle.

Encourage your child to color in the pictures and then cut them out on the dotted lines.

Talk about which picture they think might start the cycle, in the number 1 space.  Talk about which picture might come next and why.  Continue like this with 3 and 4.  Once all the blocks are filled in, talk again about the plant cycle.

9 Number PNG Picture | PNG Arts3.  Watch this silly video about the Number 9:  

4.  From the preschool website print out the 9 Yellow Ovals page.

Help your child count one oval at a time, from 1-9.  Point to each number.  See if your child can do it on their own.

Have your child find nine of something in the house that will fit on the oval - paperclips, Cheerios, Lego blocks.  Let them show you how they can place one thing on each space and then count to nine.

4s: Letter X and Plants

How's your bean sprout doing?

1.  Watch the video of the reading of We Plant a Seed

2.  Now look at the file on our website of Life Cycle of a Plant power point.  You will need to read it to your child.

3.  Print out the book from our website All About Leaves.

Let your child cut the four pages in half.  Save the blank half-page for something else.

Let your child color in the pictures on the last page and cut the pictures apart.

Staple the book together.  Read the book with your child and encourage them to trace the dotted words, first with their fingers and then with a crayon or pencil.

Glue the pictures where appropriate.

Read the book again.  Encourage your child to share the book with others.

4.  Print out the X card from our website.

Using something to write with, have your child circle all the Xs.

Now have your child use a hole punch to punch the letter Xs.

Hole punches are a great way to work on hand strength!

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